Year Group Started: February 2nd, 1969

Overview: The Indianhead Track Club is an all-volunteer, nonprofit organization whose purpose is to promote health and fitness by sponsoring running and walking activities for people of all ages, fitness levels and abilities.

Our mission is listed below:

1. Support and Encouragement. We support and encourage the broadest possible range of runners, walkers, and anyone interested in running. We invite everyone, both members and non-members, to participate in our activities.

2. Club Races. We organize races throughout the year in a low-key, fun environment. We strive to make our races runner-friendly, walker-friendly, well managed, and affordable.

3. Club Membership. We encourage everyone to contribute to the sport of running and walking and to help carry out the club’s mission by joining as a club member. The benefits of becoming a member include special, members-only entry fee for races, lower prices on club apparel, discounts at local running stores, our annual awards banquet, our bi-monthly newsletter, and weekly email bulletins.

4. Involvement in the Community. We strive to be a resource for the West Central Wisconsin community and to be a part of the social fabric that makes our region unique. We assist and support, as resources permit, other organizations that are aligned with our mission.

Saturday Morning (45 Minute/Owen Park) Group

Basics: A generally faster group training for distance, but all runners are welcome; run one or multiple five-mile Buckshot loops

Runs: Saturday 6:45am, 7:30am, and 8:15am

Pace: Main group runs from 7:30 min./mile to 8:30 min./mile depending on season, slower runners run own pace

Location: Owen Park Tennis Courts, Eau Claire, WI

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